If you love a spot of astrophotography, then Pen-y-bryn Lodge is the place to do it.
Meet James, your friendly co-host and a well-known local photographer in the Waitaki region. Specialising in landscapes and astrophotography, James encourages all camera enthusiasts to have a go during their stay with their own equipment.
“We have a lot less light pollution than other places in the country. The council has recently changed the streetlights so they’re dimmable at night,” he says.
“Where we are on the outskirts of town, there’s really nothing around us, and we have a large patio where we can set up and get pictures easily.”
Using three or four different telescopes for his own images, James loves to capture the nebulae, Milky Way, and Aurora (when it’s out!).
“The Southern Hemisphere in particular is full of nebulas, which are very interesting to photograph. Some of the greatest nebulae are only visible from the Southern Hemisphere, so it’s a big draw for people…they always envy us down here,” he adds.
To continue your stargazing journey, an evening viewing at the Ōamaru Blue Penguin Colony is a must. On a clear night, visitors can see the twinkling of stars above the penguins as they return home from the sea.
James suggests booking dinner at their in-house private restaurant to coincide with nightly activities. Prepared with local and seasonal ingredients, Pen-y-bryn offers a fine-dining experience with impeccable table service.
Plus, photography and food can go hand in hand. James suggests guests set up their camera over a pre-dinner drink before checking in between courses. The next day, breakfast provides the perfect opportunity to look over the photos and begin to process. And we recommend you flick through some of James’ photography books for some inspiration.